Please note that the lids only work with the VOSS bottles that have Artesian listed on the label or bottle. There are Voss plastic bottles sold on amazon that show Artesian on the photo, but the delivered product does not have Artesian listed.
The sparkling water brand VOSS has become a very popular container within the reefing community to use for dosing. Many reefers punch a whole in the top and scrape off the lettering for a more finished look. We’ve designed a cap & wall mount combo with lots of color options to match your tank scheme and to make a dosing solution a turn key solution.
You just have to supply the Voss container. The container is not included in the purchase.
1/4″ Bulkhead & inside Acrylic tube are included.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You will needs a more ridged 1/4th tube going into the top, to form a good seal for a dosing pump within the bulk head. Using flexible tubing will most likely not hold a tight enough seal.
You can watch a more detailed video here –
Wall Mount Dimensions (Length x Depth from Wall X Height)
Glass 375mL = 3.8″ x 3.1″ x 1.8″
Plastic 500mL = 3.8″ x 3.2″ x 1.8″
Glass 800mL = 4.2″ x 3.4″ x 1.8″
Plastic 850mL = 4.2″ x 3.4″ x 1.8″
These Voss bottles are known to work with our caps
– Plastic 500ml bottle sold at many gas stations for a couple bucks
– Plastic 850ml bottles sold at many CVS’s, etc.
– Glass 800ml bottle sold at more upscale grocery stores.
– Glass 375mL (flavored) bottles sold at many CVS’s, etc.
You’ll need 1/4″ R/O Tubing to work with the bulk head. You can order it on amazon, or a local hardware store.
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